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Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

  • ĀæCĆ³mo agrego una nueva pregunta y respuesta?
    Para agregar una nueva pregunta frecuente, siga estos pasos: 1. Haga clic en el botĆ³n "Administrar preguntas frecuentes 2. Desde el panel de su sitio puede agregar, editar y administrar todas sus preguntas y respuestas 3. Cada pregunta y respuesta debe agregarse a una categorĆ­a 4. Guardar y publicar.
  • ĀæPuedo insertar una imagen, video o gif en mis preguntas frecuentes?
    SĆ­. Para agregar medios, siga estos pasos: 1. Ingresa a la configuraciĆ³n de la aplicaciĆ³n 2. Haga clic en el botĆ³n "Gestionar preguntas frecuentes 3. Seleccione la pregunta a la que le gustarĆ­a agregar medios 4. Al editar su respuesta, haga clic en el icono de cĆ”mara, video o GIF 5. Agregue medios de su biblioteca.
  • ĀæCĆ³mo edito o elimino el tĆ­tulo "FAQ"?
    Puede editar el tĆ­tulo desde la pestaƱa ConfiguraciĆ³n de la aplicaciĆ³n. Si no desea mostrar el tĆ­tulo, simplemente deshabilite el tĆ­tulo en "InformaciĆ³n para mostrar".
  • What is the lead time for an export order?
    The lead time for an export order depends on the size and complexity of the order, but on average it takes 4-6 weeks from the time of order to delivery.
  • How does Aztec Expo handle shipping and logistics for exports?
    Aztec Expo has established partnerships with reliable and efficient shipping companies to ensure safe and timely delivery of its products to its customers. The company also has a dedicated logistics team to handle all export shipments.
  • What is the minimum order quantity (MOQs) for exports?
    The minimum order quantity for exports depends on the product and the country of destination, but it is usually between 10-50 pieces.
  • How does Aztec Expo handle product warranties for exports?
    Aztec Expo offers a six month warranty on all of its products, covering any defects in material or workmanship. For exports, the company can provide warranty support through its local partners or through its own service teams.
  • How does Aztec Expo handle payment for exports?
    Aztec Expo accepts a variety of payment methods, including Cash in advance, wire transfer (TT), letter of credit (from a reputed bank) and PayPal. The company also offers flexible payment terms to meet the needs of its customers.
  • What is the return policy for exported products?
    Aztec Expo has a strict quality control process to ensure that all exported products meet its high standards, but in the event that a customer is not satisfied with their purchase, the company will work to resolve the issue and provide a satisfactory solution.
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